YPG are the exclusive UK distributor of SCHWENK measuring instruments. Schwenk have been manufacturing precision measuring instruments for more than 90 years during which time they have developed one of the most comprehensive ranges of bore measuring instruments in the World. Click on the image below to view the full Schwenk Range.

The Subito is a rugged, universal, two-point comparator for use in production or quality control areas. The simple measuring process is ideal for specialists and apprentices alike.
The patented high precision deviation element is the core element developed by Schwenk over many years. The element design ensures the contact pin travel is backlash-free which together the nickel alloy invar tube and precision assembly ensures excellent measurement and repeatability irrespective of hand and ambient temperature.

Key Benefits:
- High precision, measurement deviation of 0.002mm and repeatability of 0.0005mm.
- Large diameter centring plate to ensure high accuracy and repeatability.
- Can be used with all major brands of digital electronic or indicator dial gauges.
- Simple exchange of measuring pins allows easy adaption between a wide diameter-range.
- Features to allow blind-hole, grooves and recesses to be measured.
- Feature to allow diameters to be measured in the mouth of the diameter being measured.
- Size range from 4.5mm to 800mm diameter and 3.0mm to 1,000mm deep.
- Special design feature service.
- Subito Brochure
The OD is a robust, intelligent plug gauge with a mechanical two-point contact comparator suitable for manual and automatic measurement where each gauge is tailored to suit specific application requirements.
The OD gauge comes in three basic designs:
• Conventional plug design – size range 2.5mm to 130mm diameter.
• Cross sleeve design – 130mm to 500mm diameter.
• Cross sleeve design with support runners – 500mm to 800mm.
The OD indicating plug gauge is ideal for monitoring manufacturing trends and production data.
Key Benefits:
• High precision, measurement deviation of 0.002mm and repeatability of 0.0005mm.
• Easy use and handling ensuring a high level of productivity and repeatability.
• Can be used with all major brands of digital electronic or indicator dial gauges.
• The measuring sleeve design ensures no tilting is required when gauge is entering the bore.
• Cross sleeve designs have the feature of reduced weight and improved handling for inspecting large diameters.
• OD gauges can be supplied with hardened steel, Delrin, ruby, ceramic, diamond or hard chromed steel contact pins.
• Features for blind hole and tapered hole measurement.
• OD Plug Gauge Brochure
The Osimess is an internal two pint measuring gauge for the rapid and accurate inspection of bores ranging from 1.0mm to 40mm diameter. The split probes incorporate the use of the indicator spring power as a result the measuring surfaces of the probe lie close to the wall of the bore being measured ensuring the indicating needle and probe are exactly coordinated to ensure maximum accuracy and repeatability.
Key Benefits:
• High precision, repeatability of 0.001mm.
• High measuring certainty due to the probe geometry and minimal travel design.
• Gauge wear parts produced in either hardened steel or tungsten carbide.
• Probes and needles up to 4mm diameter are produced in tungsten carbide only.
• Long service life and a high level of flexibility are key features of the Osimess design.
• Ideally suited for measuring out of roundness.
• Osimess Brochure
A range of precision tapes for inspecting large internal, external diameters and extended component lengths. Designed for measuring large diameters and circumferences utilising Vernier measuring devices, measuring range for OD’s 300mm to 7,500mm diameter, ID’s 230mm to 2,700mm.
Length measurement tape range 60mm to 6,000mm.
• Measuring Tapes Brochure